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You Are a Virus! A beautiful and perfectly designed part of the natural world – copy

What’s a bigger threat to humanity, a virus of the body or a virus of the mind?

There have been many amazing things I have witnessed during my twenty-five-year career in health and wellness, things that have given me immense respect and reverence for the human body/mind.  It has been an honor to help others transform their health, heal their emotions, and elevate their level of wellbeing. 

But what I have observed over the past eighteen months, what has been made clear to so many of us in the wellness field, saddens me deeply.

What I see is that most people have no real understanding of what defines health.  Most people have little to no knowledge of how their body functions or have even the simplest understanding of basic biology.

Case in point, the lack of knowledge surrounding the human biome.

Did you know that there are around three hundred and eighty trillion viruses inside each and every one of us all of the time?  Of those, over one hundred forty thousand different species of viruses, half of which we don’t know what they are.

And in the air we breathe, there are between two and forty million viruses in every cubic meter of air.  This means that every day of your life, you are breathing in at least a few hundred thousand viruses, and bacteria.

There are between one and eleven million bacteria in that same cubic meter of air, you have thirty-eight trillion bacteria inside of you.

You have one billion bacteria in every square inch of your skin, and you are loaded with fungus and many other microbes.

And the world wants you to believe that that is a threat to you and others.

Now it certainly can be if we live the standard American unhealthy lifestyle of eating crappy fast food, refined and processed foods that disrupt the delicate balance within us. Our brilliant inner ecosystem has a symbiotic relationship with the earth and the microbes that we need to survive.  In fact, without those viruses and bacteria and fungus, we’d be dead.

And yet, we’ve been trained to fear our own biology, our own bodies.  You are not just human cells, in fact, you are fewer human cells than you are microbes.

Let’s talk about breathing.  Your brain is only 2% of your body weight and yet it requires at least 20% of the oxygen in your blood to be able to produce the energy that it needs, it’s a very energy-intensive organ.

But every cell of your body requires oxygen to survive, and if you restrict your breathing you risk hypoxia or hypercapnia.  It’s very easy to become hypercapnic by rebreathing carbon dioxide.

Hypercapnia changes the pH balance of your blood, making it too acidic. During hypercapnia, your kidneys work harder, you can experience headaches, dizziness fatigue, anxiety, as well as serious complications such as delirium, paranoia, depression, confusion, seizures, or loss of consciousness.

Your lungs are an excretory organ and everything we are exhaling is toxic and acidic and it isn’t a good idea to rebreathe what we excrete for a long period of time.  Doing so actually lowers the efficacy of your immune system…just when you need a strong immune system most.

You need to be breathing fresh air. You need to be eating whole foods, building a strong micro-biome, building healthy bacteria, and keeping that balance to have a strong immune system so you can fight infection if you do become imbalanced with some type of pathological infection.

We are inundated with warnings about exposure and infection as if we can’t have viruses in or around us.  That is the most foolish thing ever because we are viruses, we are bacteria, and we are fungus. 

We are being told to fear the air we breathe, the people we pass on the street, the children going to school, even our own family members. We are being convinced that we are a threat to others.

They want us to believe that we need to cover our faces, keep our distance and avoid contact with others because we could kill another person if we don’t. But the truth is, we’ve been a threat to other people since the day we were born.

We are walking, breathing bags of viruses and bacteria.  Every hug we gave Grandma since the moment we arrived was a potential threat to her.  You and I have very likely inadvertently passed on a virus to someone else and they got sick, and there may even be a chance that we were responsible for another person’s death.  This is a part of being a human life form.

What we need to be doing is asking ourselves why we are now being programmed to fear a natural part of being a human being.

Why are we being pitted against one another and being told to wage war on those who refuse to fear their own bodies, your body, or a virus? The very essence of who we are as biological life forms is being attacked, and many are allowing it. We are allowing this because of the fact that so few have any understanding of their own amazing body or understand what defines health, healing, and wellbeing.

Learn about your body, learn about real health and wellness, and start supporting yourself naturally.  Encourage, inspire, and support others to transform their health and reducing their risk of disease. Breath fresh air, eat good food, get sunshine on your body, increase mobility, rest, community, and above all, compassion.

A toxic environment becomes diseased.  A clean and balanced environment fights disease.

Don’t fear your amazing, beautiful, brilliant, and self-healing body.  Respect it, understand it, honor it. Before it’s too late.

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